Children & Teens:
Bridging the gap from our World to theirs.

Raising Children today is not an easy task…

The World is a completely different place to how most of us grew up. Way faster paced, technology driven. We are connected online but so disconnected in real life. We have more Children being diagnosed with conditions that fall under the neurodiversity umbrella or Mental Health than ever before. Families are under pressure with rising living costs and then add in the fact that Suicide has some how become ‘normalized’ to many teens!

There comes a point when we have to take a serious look and ask “Is it our Children that have challenges or are the traditional systems not working any more for our Children?”

My belief is we can not Parent and Educate our Children in the same ways that we was raised. We have to find ways to bridge the gap

Our Children are exposed to so much more at a younger age. Even when we do our best to manage electronics and social media its still around us all. The majority of us are ‘plugged’ in, even if our Kids are not. Add in the growing numbers of highly sensitive children and the fact that we are living through a mental health crisis for both adults and Children, is there any wonder we see so much disconnect at home and in Schools?

As a Pre-School Teacher and ECE of over 20 years I saw huge changes when I began teaching the Children in my care how to make sense of their feelings and how to identify them in their bodies. Learning how to let out that extra ‘charge’ from a younger age can prevent so much struggle.

Far too many highly sensitive Children are labelled because they can’t sit still, are too loud, too quiet, too distracted, yet really they are just the big feelers, already trying to manage feelings in their own bodies and then learn to navigate the energy and feelings of others in the classroom or at home.

This misunderstanding of emotions continues on as our Children grow. When we combine hormone changes and any trauma both big or small, this is often when behaviors and challenges start to peak.

Because there is very little education and understanding around trauma and emotional intelligence shared through the School systems and in society as a whole, Parents and Educators just do not know how to connect deeply with our Children who often need the most support.

Teen Tune IN…

This is why I created “Teen Tune IN” a Self awareness program for tweens and teens where everyone is seen, heard and understood. When we become self aware from a young age and learn to understand our strengths and coping skills through the lens of emotional intelligence its magical what happens. The children learn many Self regulation tools, they become self aware about their own triggers and how to manage their own energy and others in a healthy manner. Communication skills improve in the home, drama becomes less and the Kids begin to make better choices.

Our younger generations tend to pick up these techniques very quickly and often need way less help learning them than us adults. Children are so much more in tune with energy than us and very quickly can shift the emotional charge and take back their power. Our highly sensitive, highly creative and Neurodiverse Children often excel in this work and really learn that their sensitivity is their super power!

Teen Tune IN was created with help from my own teens and teens in our community. Raising my own 3 Neurodiverse Children through the School system as well as working in the education field I knew this was needed.

When this work is shared with Parents and Educators the language and tools get reinforced at home and in the classroom which is so important for continued growth and awareness.

I run Classes in and around the Okanagan and also teach the program one on one with a more in depth approach for those Teens and Tweens that feel uncomfortable in a group setting.

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Younger Children & Parents…

Teaching a Mindful Pre-School class was one of my favorite times that really showed me just how powerful these teachings are and how they can be adapted to any age. Parents would often share how their 4 year old’s were remarkably calmer or would know how to let their anger out safely whilst reminding Mom to take a deep breath in her own frustrations!

This led to me running a workshop known as “Calm Connections in the Classroom” for educators. I now offer Parenting Sessions for families with younger children who want to parent through emotional intelligence teachings and have a tool belt of self regulation tools for both Parents and Children.

I work one on one with Children and Parents are welcome. I offer shorter sessions 30 - 45 minutes depending on the individual through play and art based connection bringing safety and comfort which opens the child up to learn the mind-body and somatic tools. Many Children go home and start teaching their Families what they have learned.

Many Parents find that from working with me on their own healing journey that they learn many tools that naturally help with parenting. My goal is always to pass on tools you can use in the home!

I also offer group workshops for Parents and Educators to help create calmer connections in the home and classroom.

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