Are you ready to get off the hamster wheel once and for all??

How would it feel to live without the guilt, overwhelm,  disconnection AND still follow your own dreams whilst empowering your Kids along the way?

True freedom comes from EMOTIONAL FREEDOM.

Emotions affect every single area of our lives. When their good we can feel high on life, when their bad they can spiral us into self sabotage habits, causing pain to ourselves and our most precious relationships

Now do not be fooled by the perfect family photo below……

I rarely had it all together, in fact I was stuck in a vicious, dark cycle, for a long time.  Add in a Tween & 2 Teens going through their own struggles & myself in constant 'rescue' Mom mode whilst trying to run my own Business. It resulted in my own mental and emotional chaos with escalated Parenting challenges, Marriage struggles, physical sickness and major disconnection, not just from myself but from my Children….at a time when they needed me more than ever. I felt lost, alone and held so much Mom guilt. In my opinion I was failing my children as I could see my unhealthy emotions and struggles playing out in them - this is when I decided once and for all that I would break the cycle.

I learned through years of Education and most importantly from walking my own path of subconscious mind-body healing and breaking generational cycles that there is a much easier, faster way to bring deeper connections to yourself and loved ones!

You can Parent without the guilt, overwhelm and disconnection without loosing yourself, even when your Children are not OK…..including your adult Children!

I would love to share with you what changed my World and now my clients, both adults and children by breaking unhealthy addiction and self sabotage habits at the root and so much more.

When we do this work for us, it always impacts our Children as we are all energetically connected. I believe with all my heart this is how we bridge the gap from our World to theirs.

Breaking unhealthy outdated generational cycles along the way.

What is Subconscious Mind-Body healing ? **


The Subconscious mind runs the show. It is our core ‘programming’ that was built from birth to 7 years old. It controls our beliefs, emotions, intuition, imagination, habits, values,

long term memory and our protective reactions….the habits we create to keep us safe and also to avoid feeling and facing in many cases.

Just like a computer our core programming needs to be upgraded for it to work most effectively. The Subconscious mind is where we store deep rooted beliefs and some times old trauma.

The Emotions that we felt from past traumas - big or small get stuck in the physical body. The ‘feeling’ state is what we usually push down and ends up stored until eventually our emotional ‘pot’ becomes full and mental, emotional or physical ‘symptoms’ appear.

I have witnessed over and over the resolve and dramatic improvement of so many emotional and physical changes once we reduce the charge of the stored emotions from the body.

From crippling anxiety, back pain, breast tumors, eczema, digestive issues to addictive patterns with alcohol, weed, cigarettes and so many variations of self sabotage behaviors.

When we connect the subconscious mind with the body through a trauma informed lens we can bring so much freedom to ourselves which in turn ripples out to others.

So how do we do this??

I work with a combination of tools and somatic techniques, advanced EFT is the one I use the most because it is a powerful, clinically studied modality that I can teach my clients to do at home and share with their own families. I believe with the right support everyone can learn this awareness and build a tool kit to become self healers. Life will always have ups and downs and the more equipped we are the easier it is to ride the waves and not project our struggles onto others.

EFT is something you can do anywhere, there are a few different techniques that I love to share that can even be used in the dentist chair, on a flight or in a busy classroom.

EFT is a somatic tool based around Western and Eastern philosophies - **

I am certified and fully insured as an EFT Practitioner - Emotional Freedom Techniques. I have taken advanced somatic & subconscious trainings and specific trauma and EFT certifications.

I am certified in Reiki, Breathwork, Numerology and combining this with my more traditional education where I studied birth to seven - emotional and social development and child hood trauma and worked as an ECE and with vulnerable Families for many years it has all come together in a powerful combination that intuitively enables me to connect deeply with my clients to help guide you through Inner child and Generational, ancestor healing.

Some people are afraid to ‘dig’ up the past. This is not how I work. Through a trauma informed lens your body leads the way. I have yet to have a client leave without feeling more peaceful than when they arrived.

“If we don’t heal the wounds that made us bleed, we bleed on others who did not hurt us”